/** * Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/ * * @author Sam Sehnert * @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within * the user visible viewport of a web browser. * can accounts for vertical position, horizontal, or both */ var $w=$(window); $.fn.visible = function(partial,hidden,direction,container){ if (this.length < 1) return; // Set direction default to 'both'. direction = direction || 'both'; var $t = this.length > 1 ? this.eq(0) : this, isContained = typeof container !== 'undefined' && container !== null, $c = isContained ? $(container) : $w, wPosition = isContained ? $c.position() : 0, t = $t.get(0), vpWidth = $c.outerWidth(), vpHeight = $c.outerHeight(), clientSize = hidden === true ? t.offsetWidth * t.offsetHeight : true; if (typeof t.getBoundingClientRect === 'function'){ // Use this native browser method, if available. var rec = t.getBoundingClientRect(), tViz = isContained ? rec.top - wPosition.top >= 0 && rec.top < vpHeight + wPosition.top : rec.top >= 0 && rec.top < vpHeight, bViz = isContained ? rec.bottom - wPosition.top > 0 && rec.bottom <= vpHeight + wPosition.top : rec.bottom > 0 && rec.bottom <= vpHeight, lViz = isContained ? rec.left - wPosition.left >= 0 && rec.left < vpWidth + wPosition.left : rec.left >= 0 && rec.left < vpWidth, rViz = isContained ? rec.right - wPosition.left > 0 && rec.right < vpWidth + wPosition.left : rec.right > 0 && rec.right <= vpWidth, vVisible = partial ? tViz || bViz : tViz && bViz, hVisible = partial ? lViz || rViz : lViz && rViz, vVisible = (rec.top < 0 && rec.bottom > vpHeight) ? true : vVisible, hVisible = (rec.left < 0 && rec.right > vpWidth) ? true : hVisible; if(direction === 'both') return clientSize && vVisible && hVisible; else if(direction === 'vertical') return clientSize && vVisible; else if(direction === 'horizontal') return clientSize && hVisible; } else { var viewTop = isContained ? 0 : wPosition, viewBottom = viewTop + vpHeight, viewLeft = $c.scrollLeft(), viewRight = viewLeft + vpWidth, position = $t.position(), _top = position.top, _bottom = _top + $t.height(), _left = position.left, _right = _left + $t.width(), compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top, compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom, compareLeft = partial === true ? _right : _left, compareRight = partial === true ? _left : _right; if(direction === 'both') return !!clientSize && ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop)) && ((compareRight <= viewRight) && (compareLeft >= viewLeft)); else if(direction === 'vertical') return !!clientSize && ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop)); else if(direction === 'horizontal') return !!clientSize && ((compareRight <= viewRight) && (compareLeft >= viewLeft)); } }; // disable hover for specific elements on touchscreen var hasTouch = true; if (!("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)) { document.documentElement.className += "no-touch"; hasTouch = false; } else { document.documentElement.className += "has-touch"; } // debounce function bindWindowSizeEvent(func) { $(window).on("debouncedresize", func); $(window).on("orientationchange", function(){ setTimeout(func, 150);}); func(); } function bindIntereactionEvent(func) { $(window).on("debouncedresize scroll touchstart touchmove touchend", func); $(window).on("orientationchange", function(){ setTimeout(func, 150);}); func(); } // white fade behind desktop dropdown function shadowOn() {$('.wrapper').addClass('shadow');} function shadowOff() {$('.wrapper').removeClass('shadow');} function desktopMenu() { $("body").on("mouseenter", ".nav-main .has-dropdown", shadowOn); $("body").on("mouseleave", ".nav-main .has-dropdown", shadowOff); } // Set the heights of dropdown 2nd level links function ddLinkHeight() { bindWindowSizeEvent(function() { $(".nav-desktop > .nav-main > li > .subnav").each(function(){ $(this).children('li').children('a').css("height","auto"); var e = $(this).children('li').children('a'); var elementHeights = $(e).map(function() { return $(this).height(); }).get(); var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, elementHeights); if(maxHeight > 10) // Make sure we don't set the height to 0 and cause the line to appear in the middle of the text. $(e).height(maxHeight); }); }); } //false file input control /* // Disabled because this is taken care of on the page // if($("#file-submit").length > 0) { window.setInterval(function(){ var imgVal = $('#upload-photo').val(); if (imgVal == ""){ //do nothing } else{ $(".false-input").text(imgVal); console.log(imgVal); } }, 1000); } //swap form and thank you notice $("#file-submit").click(function() { $(".commercial .mpbl .submitted").css("display","block"); $(".commercial .form-mpbl").addClass("hidden"); }); */ // creates mobile nav function mobileMenu() { $(".nav-main").clone().appendTo(".nav-mobile"); var mobileCount = 0; $(".nav-mobile .subnav").each(function(){ var $parentAnchor = $(this).siblings('a'); $(this).attr('data-link-id', mobileCount); $parentAnchor.attr('data-link-id', mobileCount).addClass("linked"); $(this).appendTo(".nav-mobile"); mobileCount++; }); $(".nav-mobile ul a.linked").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var linkID = $(this).data('link-id'); $(".nav-mobile .nav-main").addClass("offscreen"); $(".mobile-back").css("display","block"); $(".mobile-btns").css("display","none"); $(".mobile-utility").css("display","none"); $(".nav-mobile .subnav[data-link-id='" + linkID + "']").addClass("visible"); }); $(".nav-mobile .subnav a.linked").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var linkID = $(this).data('link-id'); $(this).closest("ul").addClass("offscreen"); $(".mobile-back").css("display","block"); $(".mobile-btns").css("display","none"); $(".mobile-utility").css("display","none"); $(".nav-mobile .subnav[data-link-id='" + linkID + "']").addClass("visible"); }); $(".mobile-back a.back").on("click", function(){ $(".nav-mobile").children("ul.visible:last").removeClass("visible"); $(".nav-mobile").children(".offscreen:last").removeClass("offscreen"); if(!$(".nav-mobile .nav-main").hasClass("offscreen")) { $(".mobile-back").css("display","none"); $(".mobile-btns").css("display","block"); $(".mobile-utility").css("display","block"); } }); $(".nav-utility ul").clone().appendTo(".mobile-utility"); function toggleMobileNav() { if($(".nav-mobile ul").hasClass("visible")) { $(".nav-mobile .subnav").removeClass("visible offscreen"); } if($(this).hasClass("toggle")) { $(".nav-toggle .toggle").toggleClass("visible").removeClass("offscreen"); $(".nav-mobile .nav-main").addClass("visible").removeClass("offscreen"); $(".mobile-back").css("display","none"); $(".mobile-btns").css("display","block"); $(".mobile-utility").css("display","block"); $(".nav-mobile .subnav").removeClass("visible offscreen"); $("#scrollable").toggleClass("nav-open"); $(".nav-mobile-container").toggleClass("visible"); } } $(".header .toggle").on("click", toggleMobileNav); $(".header-mobile").on("click", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); } // displays desktop or mobile nav depending on window width function checkWindowSize() { bindWindowSizeEvent(function() { if(window.innerWidth > 768){ // desktopMenu(); } else if(window.innerWidth < 768){ $("body").off("mouseenter", ".nav-main .has-dropdown", shadowOn); $("body").off("mouseleave", ".nav-main .has-dropdown", shadowOff); } }); } // adds class if contact block is full width function checkContactBlockWidth() { bindWindowSizeEvent(function() { if($(".callout-blocks.three .contact-block").width() == $(window).width()){ $(".callout-blocks.three .contact-block").addClass("wide"); } else { $(".callout-blocks.three .contact-block").removeClass("wide"); } }); } // detects when elements are in view function isScrolledIntoView(elem){ if(window.innerWidth > 768){ var scrollPoint = 200; } else if(window.innerWidth < 768){ var scrollPoint = 100; } var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top + scrollPoint; var elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height(); return ((elemTop <= docViewBottom) && (elemBottom >= docViewTop)); } // elements animate in when scrolled into view function loadOnScroll(){ var scrolledElement = '.sustainability .scroll-trig'; $(scrolledElement).each(function () { if (isScrolledIntoView(this)) { $(this).addClass("load"); } }); $('.sustainability .part-5').each(function () { if (isScrolledIntoView(this)) { setTimeout(function(){ $('.sustainability .part-5 .title').addClass("load"); }, 300); } }); $('.sustainability .part-3 .landing-intro .section .sprite').each(function () { if (isScrolledIntoView(this)) { //setTimeout(function(){ $(this).addClass("load"); //}, 300); } else { $(this).removeClass("load"); } }); // Jump button var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var h = $(window).height() / 2; if(docViewTop > h) $('.btn-jump').css('opacity','1'); else $('.btn-jump').css('opacity', '0'); if(docViewTop > h) $('.header').addClass('scrolled'); else $('.header').removeClass('scrolled'); } loadOnScroll(); $(window).scroll(function() { loadOnScroll(); }); $(window).load(function() { checkWindowSize(); checkContactBlockWidth(); // ddLinkHeight(); }); $(document).ready(function() { mobileMenu(); checkWindowSize(); checkContactBlockWidth(); // ddLinkHeight(); // select dropdown try { $('.contact select').niceSelect(); // slider $(".single-slider").slick({ dots: true, slide: 'div', autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, infinite: true, arrows: false, pauseOnHover: false, fade: true, speed: 500 }); $(".single-slider-arr").slick({ dots: false, slide: 'div', autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, infinite: true, arrows: true, pauseOnHover: false, fade: true, speed: 500 }); $(".product-slider").slick({ dots: true, slide: 'div', autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, infinite: true, arrows: true, pauseOnHover: false, pauseOnFocus: false, fade: true, speed: 500 }); $('.multi-slider').slick({ dots: false, infinite: true, slide: 'div', speed: 300, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, arrows: true, pauseOnHover: false, slidesToShow: 5, slidesToScroll: 1, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1160, settings: { slidesToShow: 4 } }, { breakpoint: 1060, settings: { slidesToShow: 3 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } } ] }); } catch(err) {} if (!("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)) { document.documentElement.className += " no-touch"; } if (!$('html').hasClass('no-touch')) { $('.nav-desktop .nav-main > li.has-dropdown > a').bind('touchstart', function(e) { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("active")) { $('.nav-desktop .nav-main > li.has-dropdown').removeClass("active"); $(this).toggleClass("opened"); $(this).siblings("li").find("ul").toggleClass("hidden"); shadowOff(); e.stopPropagation(); } else { $('.nav-desktop .nav-main > li.has-dropdown').removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); shadowOn(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); } // Nav stuff let $scrollable = $('#scrollable'); let $firstSub = $scrollable.find('.nav-desktop .nav-main > li > ul.subnav'); $.each($firstSub, function(index, fsub) { if (!$(fsub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(fsub).addClass('left'); } $(window).resize(function () { if (!$(fsub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(fsub).addClass('left'); } else { $(fsub).removeClass('left'); if (!$(fsub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(fsub).addClass('left'); } } }); let $secondSub = $(fsub).find('li > ul.subnav'); console.log($secondSub); $.each($secondSub, function(index, ssub) { if (!$(ssub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(ssub).addClass('left'); $(ssub).parent().parent().addClass('subleft'); } $(window).resize(function () { if (!$(ssub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(ssub).addClass('left'); $(ssub).parent().parent().addClass('subleft'); } else { $(ssub).removeClass('left'); $(ssub).parent().parent().removeClass('subleft'); if (!$(ssub).visible(false, false, 'horizontal')) { $(ssub).addClass('left'); $(ssub).parent().parent().addClass('subleft'); } } }); if ($(ssub).offset().top < $(fsub).offset().top) { $(ssub).offset({ top: $(fsub).offset().top}); } }); }); /* $(".nav-desktop .nav-main > li, .nav-desktop .nav-main > li ul > li").hover(function() { $(this).toggleClass("opened"); $(this).siblings("li").find("ul").addClass("hidden"); $(this).find(".subnav").removeClass("hidden"); 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' + title + '
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' + info + '

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